In Praise of Popular Culture

There was a period of my life when I rejected things that other people loved. Didn’t watch Lost until it was over. Didn’t watch The Sopranos until after James Gandolfini was already dead. I worked at Border’s when The DaVinci Code came out and I couldn’t stand it because of how many people would come in looking for it. Looking for Alaska – same story. I’ve since come to love all those things. Game of Thrones – I read those books as they came out but rejected the t.v. series. There’s a reason things are popular – and it’s generally because they’re pretty good. Other people have good opinions and it’s worth listening to other people and giving the things they recommend a shot. There’s too much stuff out there and you need help cutting the wheat from the chaff, separating the great from the mediocre. If you haven’t looked into any of the stuff I mentioned up there you should definitely check it out. There’s a reason some stuff floats to the top. And it’s fun to talk to people about stuff that they love, it’s a great way to make friends and find community. I had a patron that was really excited to tell me about the latest David Baldacci book that she read, an author that I could not care less about. But… she was so excited that it was hard for me to not get caught up so I told her about how I saw him give a talk at an ALA event and that he really was engaging. The guy does a ton for literacy so … why should I be a snob about it. Every book it’s reader, right?

Also you should definitely check out Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It’s fantastic.